Our Amazing Volunteer Visitors
Back in 1947, something truly special began at Cottage Homes — our amazing tradition of Visitors. To this day, these amazing volunteers are the heart and soul of Cottage Homes.
Back in 1947, something truly special began at Cottage Homes — our amazing tradition of Visitors. To this day, these amazing volunteers are the heart and soul of Cottage Homes.
Beautiful gardens brighten not just the environments, but the lives of residents at the seven Cottage Homes sites across Adelaide, thanks to some green thumbs among our organisation and residents.
A radio interview has led to a green-thumbed volunteer group refreshing garden beds at The Cottage Homes Mitcham.
Ongoing refurbishments and maintenance ensure the seven Cottage Homes sites across Adelaide remain safe, suitable, and welcoming places to call home for our 130 residents.
The Cottage Homes acknowledges the significant contribution made by retiring Board Chair Meredith Wyles and announces our new Chair, David O’Loughlin.
What better time than the start of a new year to give new life to the meeting halls at Prospect and Mitcham.
Cottage Homes’ thanked recently retired Board member Christine Trenorden for her generous contribution to the governance of the organisation.
Cottage Homes’ Spring gardens were looking wonderful during recent external inspections of the seven sites especially at one Ascot Park unit.
At its 151st Annual General Meeting, The Cottage Homes welcomed two new Board members, adding further skills and diversity to an already strong Board.